Thursday, 18 October 2012

Dare on Thursday

Dare to make a choice has been a great learning experiment so far Julie is so much fun and she has great techniques to make you listen and really take it in.Yesterday we had lots of fun playing games and doing work sheets. The game was called minesweeper where we had to work together to get to the other side shown in the photo above. Then we did the worksheet, where we had been put into six groups and there were six work sheets where you have to be a judge that decides what the consequence will be and the police which say what the penalty is. we swapped the six sheets around and answered each question if you won you got lollie pops and the team that comes second gets a fruit burst. We are very excited to learn more and see Julie again.

By Ella and Monica

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Dare Day 1!

Today was our first day of our new inquiry topic Dear. Constable Julie came in and talked to us she gave a few work sheets to do. One of the works sheets was called great things about being our age we had to list two things on each letter of the alphabet about whats great about being our age it was quite a challenge. We talked about what we knew about drugs and all the drugs we knew i found out that chocolate was a drug i have never thought of that. Today was really fun and I learnt a lot of new things.