Monday, 3 December 2012
My Cv !
Hi my name is Ella Littlejohn I am 12 years old and I live in Wellington, New Zealand. My qualities include: Music/singing, drama/acting and netball. I am a very loyal and trustworthy person. I am also very polite and am a very motivated person. I have a great sense of humor and am a really friendly person. My goal in life is to become a Actress or a Producer because I love working in my mums films and I think it would be amazing to work in the film industry.
-Eastbourne Banado’s 2003
-Eastbourne Harbor 2003-2004
-Muritai School 2005-2012
Kapa Haka Leader 2012
Peer Mediator 2011
Role in our School production 2012
Zone Cross Country 2011
D.A.R.E Certificate 2012
Netball Most Valuable Player 2012
One of my interests is One Direction..... I love them they are my life!!! Some of my other interests include: Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Sims, Drama, Netball, Underwater Hockey, Touch Rugby, Twitter and Facebook.
My Goals in life is to become either an Actress, Producer or a flight attendant. I believe it would be an amazing experience to work one of those jobs!
Hillary Beatle
Ph: 07 563 7634/ 027 4563 273
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Corporal Punishment
Imagine yourself getting strapped with a cold hard leather strap just because you didn’t know one of you times tables. In my opinion I believe that corporal punishment is wrong and should never be used in any schools. There are many other ways of dealing with bad behavior.
The dictionary definition of corporal punishment is physical punishment of people, especially by hitting or beating. I am writing to persuade you that corporal punishment should be abolished in all countries around the world.
For example there was a girl named Camilla only 8, who was just asking a friend if she could borrow a pen. She was then dragged out of her set and strapped on the hand just because of that tiny little things. After this she was very frightened of her teacher. She didn’t want to talk or answer questions because she was that scared. I believe that she was strapped unfairly and it shows that the teacher did’t listen and just accused her for something she didn’t do.
Research has shown that many children have died from corporal punishment, it makes me feel sick to the stomach that people can be that cruel. Nobody should ever have to beat a child so hard that it would end there life. There are also many other different ways of dealing with bad behavior. Hitting should not be one of them. Methods such as school suspension, writing lines, community service around the school and parent phone calls.
In conclusion I believe corporal punishment is un expectable and it should be abolished for good. I hope i have persuaded you enough to agree with me that it is unfair and a bad way of dealing with children’s behavior. No child should ever have to be hit! Imagine yourself getting strapped with a cold hard leather strap just because you didn’t know one of you times tables. In my opinion I believe that corporal punishment is wrong and should never be used in any schools. There are many other ways of dealing with bad behavior.
By Ella Littlejohn
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Julie Smoking!
Julie smoked through a bottle to show us what it does to our lungs. I thought this was a very good way of showing us what it does to our body. It was really interesting!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Dare Favourite Page
I like this page because it has some really good excuses for saying no to drugs!
Julie taught us a lot about saying NO to drugs!
Julie taught us a lot about saying NO to drugs!
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Dare on Thursday
Dare to make a choice has been a great learning experiment so far Julie
is so much fun and she has great techniques to make you listen and
really take it in.Yesterday we had lots of fun playing games and doing
work sheets. The game was called minesweeper where we had to work
together to get to the other side shown in the photo above. Then we did
the worksheet, where we had been put into six groups and there were six
work sheets where you have to be a judge that decides what the
consequence will be and the police which say what the penalty is. we
swapped the six sheets around and answered each question if you won you
got lollie pops and the team that comes second gets a fruit burst. We
very excited to learn more and see Julie again.
By Ella and Monica
By Ella and Monica
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Dare Day 1!
Today was our first day of our new inquiry topic Dear. Constable Julie came in and talked to us she gave a few work sheets to do. One of the works sheets was called great things about being our age we had to list two things on each letter of the alphabet about whats great about being our age it was quite a challenge. We talked about what we knew about drugs and all the drugs we knew i found out that chocolate was a drug i have never thought of that. Today was really fun and I learnt a lot of new things.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Astel Writing Test
What I did well: Entertaining, Clear Understanding of character, Good flow and introduction
Next Learning steps: Proofread for accurate spelling, Complex punctuation
Next Learning steps: Proofread for accurate spelling, Complex punctuation
Homework Part C
Indonesian Badminton Team’m doing my report on the Indonesian Badminton team who were disqualified from Olympics for throwing matches. I think they had a poor example of fair play.
I think they had a poor example of fair play because they were throwing matches in order to receive a more favorable placing in the playoffs. The Badminton World Federation investigated the doubles players from Indonesia, finding them guilty of not playing their best to win a match.
The Indonesian’s were booed by spectators as they repeatedly hit shots wide or served into the net. The referee, Thorsten Berg, warned the players over their conduct. In round one they lost heavily against South Korea. There were no rallies of more than four shots in the match.
Before the charges were laid, the former Olympic silver medalist Nathan Robertson of Great Britain urged badminton chiefs to take action against matches being thrown after the furor at the London Games.
South Korea head coach Sung Han-kook said two of his pairings had attempted to throw their matches against the Indonesian team but failed to do so.
In conclusion I think that match throwing is cheating and that people should not do it I think you should just try your best and never give up.
Homework Part B
Part B:
Oscar Pistorius
Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius was born on 22 November 1986 in Johannesburg, South Africa. His hometown is Pretoria, South Africa. I choose Oscar Pistorius because he really inspired me because he has a lot of determination and represents all 5 values in the Olympic values.
When Oscar was 11 months old he had his double below-knee amputated. He has congenital absence of the fibula in both legs. At the age of 16 Oscar took up track running to aid his rehabilitation and began training under the guidance of Coach Ampie Louw at the Sports Science Institute at the University of Pretoria.
After a few months in the gym, Oscar took part in his first track session on New Year's Day, 2004. Three weeks later he entered a school 100 meters race on the prompting of one of his teachers and won in a time of 11.72 seconds. After the race his father looked up how Oscar's time compared to the best in the world and He discovered that his 17-year-old son's time was faster than the existing Paralympic world record of 12.20s.
Eight months after first stepping onto the track, the South African created a sensation in the athletics world by winning the 200m gold medal at the Athens Paralympics, breaking the world record with a time of 21.97s. He also returned home with a bronze medal in the 100m and overnight was propelled onto front and back pages around the world.
I think Oscar displays all of the 5 Olympics values. I think he displays Pursuit of Excellence because he has gone over and above his disability to compete with average athletes. He also displays Joy and Effort because he has challenged himself to do the impossible against all odds. He displays Fair play because he plays fair when he is running and doesn’t use drugs to help him win. He has respect for others because in the London Olympics even though he did not win the 400m final he still congratulated everybody who he was competing against and had a very positive attitude toward his performance. Balance between Mind, Body and Character by using his Mind, Body and Character he is running like an able bodied human and is not using is disability as an excuse.
In conclusion I think Oscar Pistorius is a very inspiring man and symbolizes all the Olympic values and is a great person.
Olympic Values Inquiry Part A
Part A:
Joy and Effort
New Zealand has a long history of attending the Olympics but at the beginning we were just glad to be there. As New Zealand progressed we were happy with just winning a bronze medal however now as demonstrated in the latest Olympics we are not only happy to be there and win A few medal, we are beginning to be more focused and competitive and punching above our weight we are clearly targeting sports that we excel in and we are getting more medals. We are looking at other countries and copying there success’s. My Inquiry will compare New Zealand’s history in the Olympics from when they first went to the Olympics and where they are today.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Dear Abby
Dear Abby,
I have a problem a big problem. I have fallen in love with this lovely girl called Rosalyn. She is a delightful girl with beautiful brown eyes and long silky brown hair. The thing is she does not return my love. Every time she sees me she turns her back, its like she try’s to completely ignore me. It worries me that I have forgotten the meaning of love and it’s my fault for her not liking me. I wish she would just love me back . Please, please, please help me I am in need. ♥
-Lovesome guy
Dear Lovesome guy
You obviously feel a great amount for Rosalyn.
If you really have deep feelings for her go after her make ways for her to fall for you its her fault for not liking you not yours. If you don’t think she’s worth it find somebody else. Go out, look for someone just as good as her. I know for sure there are other girls who would be destined to be with you. Whatever you do do not give up on love.
By Ella Littlejohn
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Romeo Olivia and Ella Character description
In Fair Verona, lies a dead soul of my good friend Romeo Montague. Just a heartbroken boy miss led by love then takes his own life. Romeo was a charmer and a dreamer and would do anything for his beloved wife, Juliet Capulet.
Romeo is a very romantic lad and is very passionate about love and the people he cares about. He is a risk taker, kind, caring and loyal. He would do anything for Juliet and believes in love at first sight. Romeo was obsessed with finding love, so one night he decided to go out to a party, but it was a Capulet party where he met the love of his life, Juliet.
Juliet claimed his hair shone like the stars and his voice was as sweet as anything she had ever heard. She also said he made her heart beat so fast it nearly came out of her chest. I guess you could say he was the perfect man.
Romeo is the only child of Lady and Lord Montague. Benvolio is Romeo’s cousin and a very good friend. Romeo is married to Juliet Capulet from the rival family. They had a forbidden love and no one could know except for the nurse. Before Romeo fell in love with Juliet, he loved another girl called Roselyn but she did not return his love.
Now Romeo lies dead with Juliet in Fair Verona and will stay there. The two families have come together and worked through their differences. If the two didn’t come together and die together, the rivalry between the Montague’s and the Capulets would still be going on.
By Olivia and Ella
Mini Olympics Obstacle Course
Obstacle Course
- 24 different colored bibs ( 12 blue & 12 red )
- Big kids playground
- Timer
. No pushing anyone off the playground
. Big kids must be with a little kid when they are doing the course so big kids can help the little guys
- Years 1-4 pick a older buddy from years 5-8
- Get into lines in your teams ( stand next to your buddy )
- Climb up the small ladder connecting to the blue rings on the far right side of the playground then go through them.
- Run across the fort with your buddy to bridge connecting to the newer playground.
- Climb down the wooden wall with the rope in the middle.
- Swing across the flying fox ( Little buddy hold onto the flying fox and big buddy walk along the ground next to them, make sure they do not fall off! )
- Then jump off the platform and run to the concrete tunnel.
- Once you have reached the concrete tunnel go through it.
- Run back to the line and tag the next pair.
The aim of the obstacle course is for everyone in your team to complete it in the least amount of time.
Special Seconds:
If you see good team work or behavior you can take seconds off their time.
By Ella L, Monica, Kobe and Olivia
Monday, 6 August 2012
Mini Olympics Journey to Teamwork Island!
Journey to Teamwork Island!
Equipment list:
16 Mats
24 Hoops
The hall
2 Timer
If you touch the ground out of the hoops you have to go back to start.
Hoops can’t be touching.
Two teams compete at a time.
1. Each team get’s on the 8 mats at the front of the hall near the stage.
2. There should be 6 hoops at the back of each teams mats.
- Each team passes forward one hoop at a time.
- The person at the front of the line places down each hoop, then once the first person has jumped into the second hoop the second person will jump into the first hoop, each player then carries on and jump’s into each hoop until you have reached the island.
- Everyone needs to be in a hoop except for one person who passes all the mats forward then everyone steps over onto the island of mats.
- Everyone needs to be on the mats in a circle holding hands then the time will stop.
Special Seconds
Teamwork (if the teachers see really good teamwork they can take of seconds from there time)
The team that gets to the island first will get 10 seconds off there time.
By Ella, Monica, Olivia and Kobe
Monday, 16 July 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Monday, 25 June 2012
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Every Friday we go see Room 5 our buddy class. We test them on their spelling. My buddies name is Sarah, she is nice. When we do jump jam Sarah really enjoys it.

Sarahs best friend is called Seren. She is Olivias buddy. Sometimes Sarah and I explore the garden once we have finished spelling testing.
At the end of our buddy session Mrs Allen reads us a story. Sarah adores getting read to. I really like spending time with my buddy and can't wait until next Friday!
Sarahs best friend is called Seren. She is Olivias buddy. Sometimes Sarah and I explore the garden once we have finished spelling testing.
At the end of our buddy session Mrs Allen reads us a story. Sarah adores getting read to. I really like spending time with my buddy and can't wait until next Friday!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
The Carbon Cycle
The Carbon Cycle is a continuos Cycle. Carbon is what all humans breathe out. Carbon can be found be found anywhere on Earth in all living matter. Carbon is also found in the atmosphere. If all the humans died the Carbon Cycle would still continue. Carbon is always on the move.
Photosynthesis is on of the main processes in the Carbon Cycle. Plants use sunlight to turn Carbon into Oxygen. We do the complete opposite to plants when it comes to breathing. Plants breathe out Oxygen but humans and animals breathe in Oxygen and breathe out Carbon. Plants and trees use Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere. Ocean plants store Carbon. Plants turn Carbon into energy before they release it as Oxygen.
Decomposing is when something breaks down into smaller matter. When plants and animals die they release all the Carbon Dioxide they had stored in their bodies. When humans die they also decompose and release Carbon. When sea creatures die the Carbon they release dissolves in water.
What is compaction?
Compaction is when things die such as plants, animals and humans and then they break down into smaller matter and then they compact. Over a very long period of time it can turn into a fossil fuel. Then it is released back into the atmosphere through human consumption.
What does compact mean?
Compaction is when objects are held extremely close together.
What is Respiration?
Respiration is when you breathe. Plants breathe in the Carbon humans and animals make. Every time you breathe in Oxygen and other elements from the air around you but when you exhale you release Carbon. When ocean animals exhale the Carbon Dioxide they release dissolves into the water.
How is Climate Change caused?
Climate Change can be caused by humans burning fossil fuels and cutting down the trees. As we are burning fossil fuels and also causing deforestation the levels of Carbon in the air will increase. The Carbon Dioxide in the air will eventually it will melt the ice increasing the sea levels.
In conclusion we can all do our bit to help stop Climate Change. It is very important to learn about the Carbon Cycle because humans are increasing the amount of Carbon which will lead to global warming. We need to think before we kill our planet. We need the trees to breathe.
By Ella
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Thursday, 7 June 2012
What is the Water Cycle?
Have you ever wondered what the water cycle is?
The water cycle or hydrologic cycle is a continuous process where water evaporates, travels into the air and becomes part of a cloud, then falls down to earth as precipitation. It then evaporates again. This repeats again and again in a never-ending cycle. Water keeps moving and changing from a solid to a liquid to a gas, over and over again.

Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. Condensation is crucial to the water cycle because it is responsible for the formation of clouds. These clouds may produce precipitation, which is when water returns to the Earth's surface within the water cycle. Condensation is the opposite of evaporation.

Precipitation is water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. It is the part in the water cycle which provides for the delivery of water to the Earth. Most precipitation falls as rain.
Accumulation of the precipitation is the final stage of the water cycle before it starts all over again. It accumulates back into lakes, rivers, and oceans. If it ends up on land with no source of water near it will soak into the earth and become ground water that plants and animals use.
The water cycle has four main parts to it: evaporation,transpiration, condensation, precipitation and accumulation. The water cycle is very important for humans, animals and plants because without the water cycle none of these living things wouldn’t be here today.
By Ella Littlejohn and Drew Cullen
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
My hypothesis is that eating before swimming will effect your speed. I believe this to be true because when you swim or exercise, your body burns energy faster so you will become more slow when it runs out.
Planning my fair test
I am to find out if eating before swimming will effect your speed.
The one thing I am going to change is the type of food that each person is going to eat each swim.
The food I am going to use is
-A piece of bread with butter and a bag of chips
-A banana, almonds and some water
The things I am going to keep the same are;
-The pool
-The lengths (2)
-The amount of time in the water
-The amount of time in the water
Experiment procedure
Equipment needed
-6 people
-1 pool
-3 stopwatch’s
-1 bag of chips
-A piece of butter
-Water bottle
I am going to be performing my experiment once.
I am going to measure the results by there times.
1. Get food
2. Get people ready to swim there first 2 laps (control)
3. Time them
4. Get their food ready
5. Wait 10 minutes for there energy to boost back up again
6. Get them to eat the food they have been asked to eat
7. Get them to swim there second set of laps
8. Time them
Science fair research report
Does eating before swimming affect your speed?
Why I have chosen to do this question.
When I go swimming I usually have a something to eat before hand. I am usually in the middle of a length (and I am trying to go as fast as I can) I get a stitch and it really slows me down. I was wondering if it is because I had eaten before hand?
Which foods give you energy?
Dried fruit
Orange Juice
Salmon and beans.
How does your body turn food into energy?
Our bodies digest the food we eat by mixing it with fluids (acids and enzymes) in our stomach. When the stomach digests food, the carbohydrates (sugars and starches) in the food break into another type of sugar, called glucose. The stomach and small intestines absorb glucose and then release it into bloodstream nce in the bloodstream, glucose can be used immediately for energy stored in our bodies to be used later. However bodies need insulin in order to uses or store glucose for energy. Without insulin, glucose stays in bloodstream, keeping blood sugar levels high.
What is protein?
There are many forms of protein, which all play an important role in the function of the body. For example, collagen is a protein and is vital for the strength, elasticity and composition of our hair and skin. Proteins are made up of long chains. There are 22 different types of amino acid and the body needs all of them to function properly. Amino acids are chemical compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which combine together into different structures to form the various types of protein that the body requires.
What should you eat before you swim?
Eat easy to digest food, especially if you are preparing to go for a swim, to avoid needing to use the restroom when you least expect it. Such foods include steamed vegetables, fruit and greens. Avoid breads and heavy grains, such as brown rice and pasta. Other easy to digest foods that will provide your body with enough fuel for swimming and lean proteins, such as fish, lean red meat and low fat dairy products. It takes a long time for your body to digest fibre, so it is best to avoid foods such as whole grain cereals. Smoothes are convenient alternative to solid food that will nourish your body with needed vitamins and minerals before you swim, but which will also be easy on your digestive tract. You can make your smoothes with nut milks. Juices or water, and add protein powder and different fruits to give you a boost of carbohydrates along with protein. Protein bars typically have an appropriate balance among carbohydrates, protein and fats that will also provide you with nutritional value that will benefit your energy expenditure. Even though you will burn fat as you swim, you should avoid eating foods heavy in fats before swimming, because they will be difficult for your stomach to assimilate and digest and may cause you to experience indigestion. If you have a balanced diet, your body will have enough glycogen stores for you to use as a source for fuel that you can replenish after swimming.
How is stitch caused?
Contracting the liver or spleen, which squeeze extra oxygen carrying red blood cells into the circulation, may cause stitch. Although there does not appear to be much muscle in the capsule of the spleen, there is direct and indirect evidence that its size does change with exercise. This autotransfusion (which is much lager in some animals) increases exercise capacity but the associated pain may be severe, relieved only by rest. A plausible mechanism for the pain is that high internal pressure in the liver or spleen restricts blood flow, causing hypoxia.
What is your blood flow if you swim after eating?
It is true that blood flow to the digestive tract is increased after eating, engaging in a vigorous exercise activity will preferentially reroute blood flow away from the digestive system in favour of sending it to your working muscles. Therefore, even if you eat before swimming, your muscles should still receive the blood flow they require. Swimming is an activity that utilises many muscles including most of the major muscle groups in the shoulder, arms, hips and legs. As these muscles become active and require additional quantities of oxygen and nutrients, blood flow to these muscles will increase as arteries within them become dilated and blood flow is diverted from other regions of the body. If blood flow were diverted from your muscles to other regions of the body, it would make sense to assume that your swimming speed distance might be reduced.
What is the reason for stitch?
The inner organs are hanging from several ligaments, which, in turn, are fixed to the diaphragm, the muscular plate between chest and abdomen. Liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine and colon from a weight of several kilograms, hanging from the diaphragm. The impact of every step forces the inner organs to move downwards. Additionally the diaphragm moves upwards on every expiration to force air out of the lungs. This continuous up/down stress may cause a cramp in the diaphragm: stitch. Stitch occurs most often on the right hand side because of the liver being the heaviest organ and therefore the one stressing the diaphragm the most.
By Ella
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Monday, 30 April 2012
Term 2 Goals
Literacy: To use basic punctuation in my writing correctly. I will read my work out loud to hear where the mistakes are and take more time and care when checking my work.
Maths: I would like to improve my ability to work out how to add complicated decimals together. I will practice using mathletics 3x a week.
General: Do fifty passes a night to get more arm strength so i can get better at netball.
Maths: I would like to improve my ability to work out how to add complicated decimals together. I will practice using mathletics 3x a week.
General: Do fifty passes a night to get more arm strength so i can get better at netball.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Biography on Jack Frank Wellwood
Jack Frank Wellwood was born in Hutt Hospital Wellington at 6.00 am 8th November 1999. He has a mum called Donna Seddon a dad called Daryl Wellwood and a little brother called Todd. His Dad works as a truck driver. Jack lives in Ava Street Petone. Jack has a dog,cat and a turtle.
Jack attended Petone Kindergarden. Then he attended Hutt Central. He spent most of his lunchtimes in the library reading books. In year 7 Jack enrolled for Hutt Intermediate and sadly did not get in so he decided to come to Muritai where he learnt how to ride a unicycle. He also learned how to play hand ball and bat ball which are his two favorite games to play at lunchtime . Jack is the head of Muritai T.V.
One of the many significant events that has happened in his life was when he became a Librarian in year 5 at Hutt Central. Jack’s hobbies are Sea Scouts, reading and watching T.V. His favourite moment was when he got a stanine 9 in his test which is the highest you can get. Jacks favourite subject is maths. When Jack is older he would like to move to Australia and become a Pilot.
One of Jacks funny moments when he was little is when he feed his little brother rocks. He used to spray his brother with cleaning products. He also used to be afraid of Santa Claus. Once Jack hid his grandma and grandpa’s car keys while they were staying in Waikanae, they had to drive all the way back to Wellington to get the spare key because Jack had forgotten where had put them.
Jack Frank Wellwood is now in year 8 and still attends Muritai School. It is his last year, he is still young and has a lot to live up to because he is very bright and will get somewhere later in life.
By Ella Littlejohn
Jack attended Petone Kindergarden. Then he attended Hutt Central. He spent most of his lunchtimes in the library reading books. In year 7 Jack enrolled for Hutt Intermediate and sadly did not get in so he decided to come to Muritai where he learnt how to ride a unicycle. He also learned how to play hand ball and bat ball which are his two favorite games to play at lunchtime . Jack is the head of Muritai T.V.
One of the many significant events that has happened in his life was when he became a Librarian in year 5 at Hutt Central. Jack’s hobbies are Sea Scouts, reading and watching T.V. His favourite moment was when he got a stanine 9 in his test which is the highest you can get. Jacks favourite subject is maths. When Jack is older he would like to move to Australia and become a Pilot.
One of Jacks funny moments when he was little is when he feed his little brother rocks. He used to spray his brother with cleaning products. He also used to be afraid of Santa Claus. Once Jack hid his grandma and grandpa’s car keys while they were staying in Waikanae, they had to drive all the way back to Wellington to get the spare key because Jack had forgotten where had put them.
Jack Frank Wellwood is now in year 8 and still attends Muritai School. It is his last year, he is still young and has a lot to live up to because he is very bright and will get somewhere later in life.
By Ella Littlejohn
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
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